
unusual facts about Murder of Lee Rigby

Defensive jihad

In contemporary Jihadism, it is impossible to draw an objective distinction between offensive and defensive jihadism, as even unilataral attacks on the soil of non-Muslim states are justified as retaliatory for events conceived of as "attacks on Muslims" (e.g. Fort Hood shooting, Woolwich attack).

2013 La Défense attack

The attack occurred three days in the aftermath of the murder of a British soldier in Woolwich, London, which may have inspired a copycat attack.

Ajmal Masroor

In October 2013 Masroor was alerted by anti-terrorist police that he and a number of other prominent Muslim figures in the UK who had spoken out against Islamist extremism were targeted by a propaganda video created by Al-Shabaab, the terrorist group responsible for the attack on the Westgate shopping mall in Kenya: the video urged jihadists in the UK to take action, citing the murder of Lee Rigby as an example to follow.

Mo Ansar

In October 2013 Ansar was alerted by anti-terrorist police that he and a number of other moderate Muslim figures in the UK had been targeted by a propaganda video created by Al-Shabaab, the terrorist group responsible for the attack on the Westgate shopping mall in Kenya: the video urged jihadists in the UK to take action, citing the murder of Lee Rigby as an example to follow.

see also