
unusual facts about Museum of Transportation


Examples exist at the Bluegrass Railroad and Museum, the Western Railway Museum, the Museum of Transportation, the Northern Pacific Railway Museum, the Pacific Southwest Railway Museum, the Western Pacific Railroad Museum (one MRS-1 from Portola Railroad Museum was transferred to Yreka Western Railroad where it operates now as YWRR #244), the California State Railroad Museum, and Railtown 1897.

NYC S-Motor

Two are in museums, #113 at the St. Louis Museum of Transportation, and #115at the Illinois Railway Museum, however #100, owned by the Mohawk and Hudson chapter NRHS, is stored outside on an abandoned rail spur in Glenmont, New York awaiting funds for restoration.

see also

MÁV Class 424

424,001 was accommodated at the Zagreb Railway Station, lately moved to Budapest and displayed in front of the Museum of Transportation.