
unusual facts about Nödinge-Nol


Lon Nol |

Chalan Beel

The banks of the beel are covered with dense stands of kash, babla, nol, dhol kolmi, simul, and date palm.

Domino theory

The fall of Cambodia had more complex causes but ultimately also resulted from the country being dragged into the Vietnam war, first by the Viet Cong who operated bases in the country and used it as part of the Ho Chi Minh trail, and then by full scale NVA attack, in conjunction with the Khmer Rouge, against the pro-U.S Lon Nol republic.

Glenn Ljungström

Glenn Ljungström (born 7 September 1974) is a European co-guitarist from Nödinge-Nol, for a Swedish band called The Resistance, since 2011.

Muhammad Jalaluddin Sayeed

In 2006, NOL established Scholarship is in memory of the late Muhammad Jalaluddin Sayeed for Master of Science in Maritime Studies joinelty offeed at Nanyang Technological University and Norwegian School of Management.

During his career at NOL, Goh Chok Tong worked as a financial controller under him in NOL.

Nol Maassen

Arnold (Nol) Maassen (August 18, 1922 in Amsterdam - July 3, 2009 in Langon, France) was a Dutch politician for the Labour Party (PvdA).

Sisowath Sirik Matak

On April 12, 1975, United States's Ambassador to Cambodia John Gunther Dean, offered high officials of the Khmer Republic political asylum in the United States, but Sirik Matak, Long Boret and Lon Non, along with other members of Lon Nol's cabinet, declined - despite the names of Boret and Sirik Matak being published by the Khmer Rouge in a list of "Seven Traitors" marked down for execution.

see also