
6 unusual facts about Nā Pali Coast State Park

Canavalia napaliensis

There are no more than 206 individual plants left in five populations along the Nā Pali Coast.

Charpentiera densiflora

The tree is found only on Kauai, and mainly on the Nā Pali Coast.

David Boynton

Boynton's body was found in February, 2007 at the foot of a 300 foot cliff on the north face of the remote Miloli'i Valley of the Na Pali coast, by all evidence the victim of an accident on the difficult trail.

Gouania meyenii

This shrub grows in dry or moist forest and shrubland habitat in the Waianae Mountains of Oahu and Nā Pali Coast State Park on Kauai.

Kadua cookiana

Today there are two populations of the plant in the Hanakoa and Waiahuakua Valleys on the Nā Pali Coast of Kauai, with a total global population of no more than 122 individuals.

Melicope haupuensis

By 1994 there were only two plants known to remain, and by 2003 there were thirteen, including specimens located within Nā Pali Coast State Park.

see also