His university education was in Pune later at the NID National Institute of Design and Darpana Academy of Performing Arts in Ahmedabad under late Meher Contractor, after which he went to the Marionette Theatre Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, and studied puppetry under Michael Meschke.
FRAP supported Salvador Allende in the 1964 presidential election, whereas NID supported Eduardo Frei.
The NiD 43 began flight testing in 1924 and went the following year to Saint-Raphaël, Var for competitive evaluation by the Aéronavale.
Played by Robert Picardo, Woolsey made his first appearance as a member of the NID in "Heroes", an episode of season 7 of Stargate SG-1, and recurred in several SG-1 episodes until season 10.
Prior to taking his position in the NID, Woolsey was lead counsel for the Army Corps of Engineers and later sat on the Defense Policy Board.
Kiran Bir Sethi, graduated from the National Institute of Design (NID) Ahmedabad after which she established her own design firm.