
unusual facts about Nagara River


On the Nagara River where Japanese Cormorants (Phalacrocorax capillatus) are used by the fishermen, the fishing season draws visitors from all over the world.

Japanese Cormorant

The Nagara River's well-known fishing masters work with this particular species to catch ayu.

see also

Cormorant Fishing on the Nagara River

Throughout the years, many famous individuals have come to view cormorant fishing on the Nagara River, including such world-renowned individuals as Charlie Chaplin and Matsuo Bashō.

Osaka, Aichi, and the Gifu continuous torture-murder event

And, after two men of company employee's one man (20 years old at that time) and the part-time job (19 years old at that time) were obstinately assaulted with the iron pipe etc. in Nagara river area of Gifu, it murdered it.