
4 unusual facts about Narco News

Al Giordano

On April 18, 2000, Giordano launched Narco News, a nonprofit news organization, to better inform Americans on the actions of the United States and other governments in the War on Drugs in Central and South America.

On June 14, 2008, Giordano relocated from RuralVotes to Narco News.

Al Giordano (born December 31, 1959) is a journalist who operates the Narco News Bulletin, reporting on the War on Drugs, the political blog The Field, reporting on American politics, and the School of Authentic Journalism.

House of Death

Subsequent to the publication of the "House of Death" story, the investigative journalist of Narco News, Bill Conroy, received visits at his office, his home, and to his employer from officers of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement, an event that prompted a letter by former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney reprimanding Johnny Sutton for "an attempt ... to intimidate a journalist who has reported facts that are embarrassing to him".

see also