The anterior nares are commonly infected by Staphylococcus aureus (also known as "golden staph") which may contribute to dermatitic skin lesions in patients with atopic dermatitis.
This is an X-linked condition affecting males and characterized by postnatal growth failure with developmental delays and dysmorphic features characterized by wrinkled forehead, anterior and posterior fontanels, prominent eyes, large down-slanting palpebral fissures, thickened or hooded eyelids, large ears, flared nares, hypoplastic alae nasi, short columella, protruding upper lip, and microretrognathia.
In 1992, Nares' program to provide entrepreneurship training to the unemployed was incorporated into Canada's Employment Insurance legislation.
He led the Talmudical academy in Nehardea (also called Naresh, or Nareš), close to Sura, during the fifth generation of Babylonian amoraim.
Some speculated that she had been rendered helpless due to some unknown mishap between Whitsunday Passage and Cape Bowling Green or been overpowered by the extreme force of the wind; perhaps the anchors had been dropped causing the boat to slew broadside into the wind; others thought she had hit a submerged reef between Flinders Passage and Keeper Reef or run into Nares Rock, or even struck Cape Upstart.
Luc Sante wrote the lyrics to some of their songs, while James Nares sometimes contributed as a percussionist, and occasionally John Lurie performed with them on stage.
He successively brought out translations of Coluthus, Alciphron, in which he was assisted by the Rev. T. Monro, Herodotus, and Aulus Gellius, the preface to which was written by Parr; and co-operated in Tooke's ‘Biographical Dictionary,’ published (1795) three volumes of miscellanies, and in 1793 established, in conjunction with Archdeacon Nares, the British Critic, the first forty-two volumes of which were partly edited by him.