
unusual facts about National Alliance Party

Cabinet of Papua New Guinea

Ano Pala, National Alliance Party MP for Rigo, was appointed in his place.

Ateca Ganilau

Ganilau is married to National Alliance Party leader Ratu Epeli Ganilau, who is the son of the late Governor-General and President, Ratu Sir Penaia Ganilau.

David Arore

Elected as an independent, he then joined the National Alliance Party and was appointed deputy Minister for Education by Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare.

Koila Nailatikau

On 7 May, Adi Koila joined Opposition Leader and former Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudhry, United Peoples Party leader Mick Beddoes, and National Alliance Party president Ratu Epeli Ganilau in opposing the Commission and its purpose.

Peter Wararu Waranaka

In 2004 he was elected Member of Parliament for Yangoru-Saussia for the National Alliance Party and was appointed the Governor of East Sepik.

see also