
4 unusual facts about National Association of Manufacturers

Arthur D. Bond

He was a colonel on the staff of Governor Forrest C. Donnell, and was a member of the World Trade Advisory Commission and the International Relations Committee of the National Association of Manufacturers.

Jerry Jasinowski

The Manufacturing Institute, founded in 1990, is the 501(c)(3) affiliate of the National Association of Manufacturers.

Jerry J. Jasinowski (born January 4, 1939) is the former President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Association of Manufacturers and Founder and Past President of the Manufacturing Institute.

John F. McDermid

Prior to joining IBC, McDermid was Assistant General Counsel for the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM).


BIPAC's affiliated state deployment partners (those who officially host the Prosperity Project grassroots initiative in each state) include affiliates of the National Association of Manufacturers and more than twenty state Chambers of Commerce.

see also