
unusual facts about National Fascist Party

Gianpiero Combi

The first match was on 27 May 1934 when Italy played the first round of the World Cup in the Stadio Nazionale of the P.N.F.

Arturo Riccardi

Following his admission into the La Spezia (PNF) political party in 1934, he won promotion to Vice Admiral on 27 December 1935.

Bombing of Bahrain in World War II

Ettore Muti, Party Secretary of the National Fascist Party, took part in the Bahrain raid and in at least one of the bombings of Haifa.

Critica Sociale

Following the fall of the Fascist regime in 1946, it was reestablished, and has remained in print under a succession of editors-in-chief: Ugoberto Alfassio Grimaldi, Umberto Giovine and Carlo Tognoli (with Paolo Brera as deputy editor).

Opera Nazionale Balilla

Opera Nazionale Balilla (ONB) was an Italian Fascist youth organization functioning, as an addition to school education, between 1926 and 1937 (the year it was absorbed into the Gioventù Italiana del Littorio, GIL, a youth section of the National Fascist Party).

see also

Agostino Podestà

Born in Novi Ligure on June the 27th 1905, Podestà graduated in Physics, enrolled in the National Fascist Party (P.N.F.) of Italy in November 1920, and participated as squadrista to the March on Rome.