
2 unusual facts about National Institute for Space Research

Criosfera 1

The Criosfera 1 is a Brazilian standalone research module for atmospheric data collection, prepared at the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) for the Brazilian Antarctic Program (PROANTAR).


National Institute for Space Research in Brazil (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais)

Fernando de Mendonça

Fernando de Mendonça (born December 2, 1924 in Guaramiranga, Ceará) is a Brazilian electronic engineer and researcher, founder and first director of Brazil's National Institute for Space Research.

see also

Gradient pattern analysis

A key line of research on GPA's algorithms and applications has been developed at Lab for Computing and Applied Mathematics (LAC) at National Institute for Space Research (INPE) in Brazil.

Humidity Sounder for Brazil

HSB was manufactured by Matra Marconi Space, Limited (MMS), in the United Kingdom under a contract with the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research, INPE.