
4 unusual facts about National Islamic Front

Abdel Rahim Mohammed Hussein

Despite being a strong Islamist, Hussein remained a loyal Bashir supporter following Bashir's rift with Hassan al-Turabi; the leader of the National Islamic Front, and quite possibly the most influential Sudanese Islamist, who had supported Bashir in his 1989 coup attempt.

Al Shamal Islamic Bank

A declassified U.S. Department of State report dated August, 1996 and a French investigation into Al Shamal Islamic Bank separately concur that Osama bin Laden invested $50m of his inherited fortune in the bank on his arrival in Sudan in 1991, in a joint venture with senior National Islamic Front members.

Sayed Tayib al-Madani

Some have suggested that he was thereafter targeted for assassination by the National Islamic Front.

The Seekers of Truth and Justice

Khalil Ibrahim organized the Seekers of Truth and Justice that originally supported the National Islamic Front (NIF) and famous Islamist, Hassan al-Turabi.

see also