
4 unusual facts about National Museum of Ireland

Frederick Vodrey

Dublin's National Museum of Ireland has dozens of Vodrey's pieces on permanent display at the Decorative Arts & History facility at Collins Barracks.

Gerald FitzGerald, 5th Duke of Leinster

After the 5th Duke's death of typhoid fever, his stamp collection, which contained around ten thousand pieces, was bequeathed to the Dublin Museum of Science and Art.

Stridsvagn L-60

One L60 is preserved in running order and the other is in the National Museum of Ireland, Collins Barracks, Dublin.

William Russell Lane-Joynt

At the time of his death in 1921, a portion of his collection was on display at the Dublin Museum of Science and Art.

Roll of Distinguished Philatelists

William Russell Lane-Joynt (1855–1921, United Kingdom), Honorary Curator of the Duke of Leinster's collection at the Dublin Museum of Science and Art.

Roundstone, County Galway

In 1998 Sean Gorham of Inishnee, Roundstone, County Galway, was engaged in turf-cutting in Roundstone Bog "when he noticed what appeared to be a series of flat stones laid at regular intervals ... Believing them to be the remains of an ancient trackway, Mr. Gorham left the stones undisturbed, and through the good offices of Martin O'Malley, Roundstone, and Michael Gibbons, Clifden, his discovery was brought to the attention of the National Museum of Ireland."

see also