
3 unusual facts about National Popular Vote Interstate Compact

John Koza

In 2006 Koza suggested a plan to revamp the Electoral College in the United States such that candidates would be elected by a National Popular Vote.

National Popular Vote

National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, a series of electoral reform bills enacted or considered by U.S. state legislatures

Swing state

Although a constitutional amendment would be the simplest form for changing the rules, the difficulty of the task has led to a proposal to make States enter a National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.

Electoral reform in Vermont

In 2007, H.0373 was introduced by David Zuckerman, Michael Fisher, Daryl Pillsbury, Kurt Wright, Warren Kitzmiller, Anne Donahue, Linda Martin, and Scott Wheeler in an effort to make Vermont a party to the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, but it died in the Government Operations committee.

see also

National Popular Vote

National Popular Vote Inc., a non-profit group which promotes the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact