
unusual facts about National Republican Senatorial Committee

Center for Competitive Politics

The CCP's mission statement is "through legal briefs, studies, historical and constitutional analyses, and media communication, to educate the public on the actual effects of money in politics, and the results of a more free and competitive electoral process." It was founded in 2005 by former Federal Election Commission Chairman Bradley A. Smith and Stephen M. Hoersting, formerly an aide to Smith and later General Counsel at the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

Jim Gerlach

Gerlach had been mentioned as a potential candidate for the United States Senate seat held by Arlen Specter after John Cornyn, chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, contacted him following Specter's May 2009 party-switch.

John L. Nau

Nau has served as the national finance chairman of Texas Senator and former NRSC Chairman John Cornyn.

Larry McCarthy

After several years running Heinz's Senate press office, McCarthy joined the staff of the National Republican Senatorial Committee where the Senator took the helm as Chairman for the 1980 campaign.

see also

The Pennington School

Rudy Boschwitz (born 1930, class of 1947): United States Senator, former chairman National Republican Senatorial Committee.