
unusual facts about Natural Selection

Butler Act

By the terms of the statute, it could be argued, it was not illegal to teach that apes descended from protozoa, to teach the mechanisms of variation and natural selection, or to teach the prevailing scientific theories of geology or the age of the Earth.

Cross-cultural differences in decision-making

These forces are natural selection, mutation, drift, and migration.

History of invertebrate paleozoology

The provocative Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation (1844 to 1853) by then-anonymous Robert Chambers, Alfred Russel Wallace's joint essay (1858) with Charles Darwin, and Darwin's Origin of Species (1859 to 1872) popularized the evolutionary theories of natural selection.

Newcastle ScienceFest

For example, to celebrate Charles Darwin’s 200th birthday, the festival commissioned the Darwin Brewery in Sunderland to develop a commemorative beer called Natural Selection which was available throughout March.

Organizational ecology

Introduced in 1977 by Michael T. Hannan and the late John H. Freeman in their American Journal of Sociology piece "The population ecology of organizations" and later refined in their 1989 book Organizational Ecology, organizational ecology examines the environment in which organizations compete and a process like natural selection occurs.

Pinaleno Mountains

This is similar to what Charles Darwin discovered with species he collected from different islands in the Galápagos, a discovery that played a major role in his theory of natural selection.

Rudy Rucker

Rucker often uses his novels to explore scientific or mathematical ideas; White Light examines the concept of infinity, while the Ware Tetralogy (written from 1982 through 2000) is in part an explanation of the use of natural selection to develop software (a subject also developed in his The Hacker and the Ants, written in 1994).

Saint Louis encephalitis

Scans for natural selection showed that most codons of the SLE virus ORF were evolving neutrally or under negative selection.

Southeast Asian ovalocytosis

Because of this, the 35% incidence rate of SAO along the north coast of Madang Province in Papua New Guinea, where malaria in endemic, is a good example of natural selection.

see also

African trypanosomiasis

Two independent variants of the APOL1 gene found in African haplotypes carrying signatures of natural selection have been shown to confer protection against the acute version of sleeping sickness caused by T. b. rhodesiense, while at the same time increasing risk of kidney disease when inherited from both parents.

Anthropological Society of London

The members of the Ethnological Society were, on the whole, inclined to believe that humans were shaped by their environment; when Charles Darwin published his theory of evolution by natural selection, they supported it.

Blending inheritance

The problems of these ideas were noted by a contemporary critic of Darwin's, Fleeming Jenkin, in a now infamous excoriation of Darwin's Origin of Species. Jenkin, a strong proponent of the blending inheritance idea, used blending inheritance to argue against the plausibility of natural selection itself.

Castle Rock Brewery

Castle Rock also brew a range of one-offs and seasonal beers and also a "Natural Selection" wildlife ales, in conjunction with the Wildlife Trusts.

Charles Lyell

Lyell and Hooker were instrumental in arranging the peaceful co-publication of the theory of natural selection by Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace in 1858: each had arrived at the theory independently.

Coleophora darwini

The species is named after Charles Darwin, whose visit to the Galápagos Islands fostered his ideas on natural selection.

Craig Callaghan

After winning the 1994 Swan Districts Best & Fairest award, Gerard Neesham saw him as a natural selection for Fremantle's inaugural squad for the 1995 AFL season.


The articles both defended the theory of evolution from the standpoint of botany, and sought reconciliation with theology by arguing theistic evolution, that natural selection is not inconsistent with Natural Theology.

Edward Blyth

In a 1959 paper, Loren Eiseley claimed that "the leading tenets of Darwin's work – the struggle for existence, variation, natural selection and sexual selection – are all fully expressed in Blyth's paper of 1835".

Niels Kaj Jerne

Jerne developed the "natural selection theory of immunology," proposed by Paul Ehrlich 50 years earlier, although he was missing the clonal selection element proposed by David Talmage and then by Frank Macfarlane Burnet.

Richard Lewontin

Lewontin accused neo-Darwinists of telling Just So Stories when they try to show how natural selection explains such novelties as long-necked giraffes.

Shlomo Bar

As a result of the play, Bar decided it was time to form his own group, "Habrera Hativit" (The natural selection, but also known in English as the Gathering), which he formed with bassist and producer Yisrael Borochov.

Survival of the fittest

Skeptic Society founder and Skeptic magazine publisher Dr. Michael Shermer addresses this argument in his 1997 book, Why People Believe Weird Things, in which he points out that although tautologies are sometimes the beginning of science, they are never the end, and that scientific principles like natural selection are testable and falsifiable by virtue of their predictive power.

The Culture of Critique series

John Tooby, past president of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society and a professor of anthropology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, insists that MacDonald is not an evolutionary psychologist, and that he advocates models incorporating "group-selection theory", a generally discredited view of natural selection.

The eclipse of Darwinism

As a consequence of the debate over the viability of neo-Lamarckism in the 1890s, James Mark Baldwin, Henry Fairfield Osborne and C. Lloyd Morgan all independently proposed a mechanism where new learned behaviors could cause the evolution of new instincts and physical traits through natural selection without resort to the inheritance of acquired characteristics.

Two-stage model of free will

In his 1977 book with John Eccles, The Self and its Brain, Popper finally formulates the two-stage model in a temporal sequence, and makes the comparison with evolution and natural selection,

Wallace, California

John Wallace was also an elder brother of Alfred Russel Wallace, a leading 19th century British naturalist who independently developed a theory of natural selection around the same time as Charles Darwin.