New Frontiers program, a series of NASA planetary science exploration missions
Today (NBC program) | television program | Apollo program | Fulbright Program | Television program | Nightline (US news program) | Today (Australian TV program) | Glenn Beck Program | V-12 Navy College Training Program | Sunrise (TV program) | Program and System Information Protocol | Computer program | The Sarah Silverman Program | Head Start Program | computer program | The Dave Ramsey Show (radio program) | Greater Underwater Propulsion Power Program | Space Shuttle program | Individualized Education Program | Frontiers Records | Apollo Program | Voyager program | United States Antarctic Program | Today (U.S. TV program) | The Morning Show (TV program) | Obojeni Program | Army Specialized Training Program | Strategic Hamlet Program | Pioneer program | National Security Education Program |
The survey placed heavy emphasis on Mars exploration including the Mars Exploration Rovers, established of the New Frontiers program including New Horizons mission to study Pluto and established programs in power and propulsion to lay a technological basis for programs in later decades including manned missions beyond Earth orbit.
Her past committee experience includes the National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council’s Space Studies Board Committee to study the next announcement of opportunity (AO) for NASA’s New Frontiers missions (2007–2008), the JPL Director's Advisory Committee for Women, the Committee for Minorities and Women in Geosciences of the Geological Society of America and the Subcommittee on Diversity at the American Geophysical Union.