
7 unusual facts about New York Foundation for the Arts

Gregg Schlanger

He has received many awards including Sponsorship by the New York Foundation for the Arts, Israel-Tennessee Visual Artist Exchange Project Fellowship, USIA Arts America Grant and New Forms Regional Initiative Grant from the NEA.

Jeet Thayil

He received a Masters in Fine Arts from Sarah Lawrence College (New York), and is the recipient of grants and awards from the New York Foundation for the Arts, the Swiss Arts Council, the British Council and the Rockefeller Foundation.

John Jasperse

Among his and his company's many awards, grants, and fellowships are a John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation award (1998), two Bessie Awards (2001 for Jasperse, 2002 for the Company), and grants from the National Endowment for the Arts (1992, 1994, 1995–96) and New York Foundation for the Arts (1988, 1994 and 2000).

Laura Shapiro Kramer

The article described her travels to Albania, Kosovo, and the Balkans and the documentary film Shqiperi she was producing with NYFA, the New York Foundation for the Arts where she was the Project Director for The Albyon Project.

Leslie Thornton

Thornton has received many awards in the field: the Maya Deren Award, the first Alpert Award in the Arts for media, a nomination for the Hugo Boss Award, two Rockefeller Fellowships, grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, New York State Council on the Arts, New York Foundation for the Arts, Jerome Foundation and, Art Matters, and, most recently, a Guggenheim Fellowship.

Luis Cruz Azaceta

He has received numerous awards and grants, including the National Endowment for the Arts, The Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Grant, The Joan Mitchell Foundation Grant, Pollock/Krasner Grant, Penny McCall, New York Foundation for the Arts, Mid-Atlantic Grant for Special Projects and the Cintas Foundation.

Marjorie Silverman

She currently sits on the Boards of the George Jackson Academy, where she is Vice-Chairman, and the New York Foundation for the Arts.

Andrea Callard

Additionally, Callard participated in numerous art education residencies sponsored by the New York Foundation for the Arts including ones in Malone, New York, at the Hecksher Museum, at the Huntington Public Library, at Carthage Central Schools in Black River, New York, at Rockland Center for the Arts, the Baldwinsville Schools and Studio in a School.

Andrea Fraser

Fraser has received fellowships from Art Matters Inc., the Franklin Furnace Fund for Performance Art, the National Endowment for the Arts, and Anonymous Was a Woman, and New York Foundation for the Arts.

Angelo Parra

His first produced play, Casino, was presented at T. Schreiber Studio, and won a 1989 New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) Fellowship in Playwriting and an Arts International grant (sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts, U.S. Information Agency, Rockefeller Foundation, and The Pew Charitable Trusts).

Dana Wilson

He has received grants from, among others, the National Endowment for the Arts, New York Foundation for the Arts, New England Foundation for the Arts, New York State Council for the Arts, Arts Midwest, and Meet the Composer.

Mark Dean Veca

Amongst his many honors, Veca has thrice received the New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship in painting and has carried out artist residencies for institutions such as the Bronx Museum, the MacDowell Colony, and Villa Montalvo.

Paul Violi

Awarded two poetry fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, Violi also received The John Ciardi Lifetime Achievement Award in Poetry, the American Academy of Arts and Letters Morton Dauwen Zabel Award, and grants from The Foundation for Contemporary Arts Poetry, The Fund for Poetry, The New York Foundation for the Arts, The Ingram Merrill Foundation, and New York Creative Artists Public Service Fund.

Saya Woolfalk

She has received a number of prestigious awards including a Fulbright for research in Maranhão, São Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil a Joan Mitchell Foundation MFA Grant, a New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship, an Art Matters Grant and has been an artist-in-residence at the Newark Museum, University at Buffalo, Yaddo, Sculpture Space and Dieu Donne Papermill.

Steven Siegel

Sponsored by the New York Foundation for the Arts, in 1983 he visited the same places where Dr. James Hutton, a medical doctor turned geologist, made his discoveries in Scotland.

see also

Philip Schultz

He has also received, among others, a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship in Poetry (1981), a New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship in Poetry (1985), as well as the Levinson Prize from Poetry magazine.