
unusual facts about Nguyễn Ánh

Diên Khánh District

The Citadel was built by the French officer Olivier de Puymanel for Nguyễn Ánh in 1793 with an area of 36,000 square meters according to the Vauban military architecture which was popular in Western Europe in 17th - 18th centuries.

see also

Côn Sơn Island

In exchange Louis XVI promised to help Nguyễn Ánh to regain the throne, by supplying 1,650 troops (1,200 Kaffir troops, 200 artillery men and 250 black soldiers) on four frigates.

Nguyen Anh Duc

Nguyễn Anh Đức (born on January 25, 1985) is a Vietnamese striker who plays for Binh Duong F.C. for youth and senior team.