formation | Command (military formation) | Elliot Formation | Lance Formation | Crato Formation | Chinle Formation | Two Medicine Formation | Tamayama Formation | Missing Man Formation (band) | Missing Man Formation | Marcellus Formation | Kirkwood Formation | Gettysburg Formation | Clarens Formation | Whitby Mudstone Formation | Tunbridge Wells Sand Formation | Santana Formation | Phalanx formation | phalanx formation | Mahantango Formation | Leduc Formation | Identity formation | Hanson Formation | Formation (stratigraphy) | formation (stratigraphy) | Formation | Centre International de Formation Européenne | Bakken formation | Yixian Formation | Vectis Formation |
A remarkably well preserved and nearly complete Selmasaurus skull and partial postcranial skeleton was discovered by Steve Johnson and family in 1996, from the Santonian or Campanian marine horizon in the Niobrara Formation of Niobrara Chalk, western Kansas.
It was collected by George F. Sternberg in 1952 and described by John Christian Harksen in 1966, from the lower portion of the Niobrara Formation.