
3 unusual facts about Njals Saga

Njáls saga

This song later appeared in 1981 when the group released its single Iður til Fóta (in the cassette version only).

The 1964 book The Burning of Njal by Henry Treece re-tells the saga from the recovery of Hrútr's dowry to Kári's final reconciliation with Flosi.

The film is featured on the Icelandic DVD release of Angels of the Universe.

Brjáns saga

According to the hypothesis certain episodes in Njáls saga and Þorsteins saga Síðu-Hallssonar drew on this lost saga.

Ulf the Quarrelsome

Ulf the Quarrelsome, or Ulf Hreda, is described in Njals Saga as a brother (or sometimes identified as stepson) to Brian Boru, High King of Ireland from 1002 to 1014.

see also