
7 unusual facts about North American Review

Charles Francis Adams, Sr.

He wrote numerous reviews of works about American and British history for the North American Review.

George Brinton McClellan Harvey

Having accumulated a great fortune, he purchased prestige magazines, the North American Review in 1899.

Joseph Blunt

Soon afterward he wrote an article on the Laibach circular, published in the North American Review, which attracted the attention of politicians.

Joseph Parrish Thompson

He devoted much of his time to Oriental studies, with the results of these labors appearing in Bibliotheca Sacra, the North American Review, and other journals.

Theodore A. Bingham

In 1908, while Police Commissioner of New York, he published an article in North American Review on "Foreign Criminals" in which he asserted that half the criminals in the city were Jews.

William Bourne Oliver Peabody

He contributed 48 articles to the North American Review, and wrote numerous sermons, poems, and prose pieces.

William Bradford Reed

Reed published many controversial and historical pamphlets and contributed essays chiefly to the American Quarterly and the North American Review.

Daniel Asa Rose

Formerly the arts & culture editor of the Forward newspaper, he has published in The New Yorker, Esquire, GQ, Vanity Fair, The New York Observer, New York Magazine, The New York Times Magazine, The New York Times Book Review, Playboy, Ploughshares, North American Review, Partisan Review, Southern Review, et al.

Frank Moore Colby

His other literary work comprises editorial writing for the New York Commercial Advertiser 1900-02, "The Book of the Month" in the North American Review (1913- ), as well as critical articles for the Bookman and other magazines.

Lawrence Gilman

From 1915 to 1923, he worked as a critic in multiple arts for the North American Review, and for the Herald Tribune from 1925 on.

see also

Anne Abbott

In July 1850, Abbott reviewed Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter for the North American Review, declaring she liked the preface better than the tale.

Pecan Grove Press

Other notable poets include Vince Gotera, editor of North American Review; Marian Haddad; Edward Byrne, well known for his "One Poet's Notes" blog; Olga Samples Davis; Wendy Barker, winner of two Violet Crown awards from the Texas League of Writers; Gwyn McVay; award-winning poet, essayist and dramatist David Brendan Hopes; Cyra S. Dumitru; Colin Morton, award-winning Canadian poet; Bonnie Lyons; and Joel Peckham.