
unusual facts about North Woods

National Trails System

You can experience the subtle beauties of the southern wetlands and Gulf Coast on the Florida Trail or wander the North Woods from New York to Minnesota on the North Country Trail or experience the vast diversity of landscapes of the southwest on the Arizona National Scenic Trail.

see also

Eagle Lake and West Branch Railroad

Spruce forests of the Maine North Woods were a source of pulpwood through the 20th century.

North Woods Hiawatha

In June 1936 the Milwaukee Road introduced a new train between New Lisbon and Star Lake, Wisconsin, which it dubbed Hiawatha – North Woods Section.

William Aden French

His novels include: Driftwood of the Current (1942), the story of the disastrous Winona flood of 1895; Oakley of the Ozarks (1942), a tale of young love among the hills and valleys; Wrestling the Wilderness (1943) a drama set in the north woods of Maine; and Strength of the Hills (1944), a drama set around the development of a copper mine in Shannon County.