Nothofagus | Nothofagus dombeyi | Nothofagus nitida | Nothofagus antarctica | Nothofagus alpina | nothofagus | Nothofagus obliqua | ''Litoria moorei'' calling in a residential garden in Swanbourne, Western Australia |
The larvae feed on a wide range of plants, including Syzygium smithii, Eucalyptus grandis, Waterhousea floribunda, Tristaniopsis, Doryphora sassafrass, Daphnandra micrantha, Glochidion ferdinandi, Nothofagus moorei, Prostanthera lasianthos, Dodonea viscosa, Diploglottis australis, Pomaderris aspera, Dendrocnide excelsa, Lantana camara and Olearia argophylla.
The course of the river flows through World Heritage listed high altitude rainforest, noted for its Antarctic Beech; and then through lower altitude subtropical rainforest, including trees such as Red Cedar and Small leaf fig.