Ó Briain has often become O'Brien, Ó Rothláin became Rowland, Ó Néill became O'Neill and some surnames like Ó Súilleabháin may be shortened to just O'Sullivan or Sullivan.
The MacAuleys and MacPhoils arrived mid-way through the battle, and had planned on siding with the McQuillans and O'Neills, but the chief of the clan was persuaded by Sorley Boy MacDonnell to join forces with the MacDonnells.
A descendant of the O'Neill dynasty, his family name was originally MacShane (Irish: Mac Seáin), of which Johnson is a translation.
Ming Dynasty | Tang Dynasty | Eugene O'Neill | Dynasty Warriors | Sam Neill | Song Dynasty | Tudor dynasty | Dynasty | Yuan Dynasty | Han Dynasty | Dynasty (TV series) | Dynasty Warriors 7 | Duck Dynasty | Martin O'Neill | Qajar dynasty | Zhou Dynasty | Safavid dynasty | Pahlavi dynasty | Nguyễn Dynasty | List of emperors of the Trần Dynasty | Liang Dynasty | Dynasty Warriors 8 | Qing dynasty | Tip O'Neill | Macedonian dynasty | Adil Shahi dynasty | O'Neill | Ming dynasty | dynasty | Gerard K. O'Neill |
The title of Count of Tyrone has been used by two European branches of the O'Neill family to claim affiliation with the O'Neill Earls of Tyrone in the Peerage of Ireland.
The English word "sept" is most accurate in referring to a subgroup within a large clan, particularly when that group has taken up residence outside of their clan's original territory (e.g. the O'Neills, MacSweeneys, and O'Connors).
The current Chairman of The Standing Council of Irish Chiefs and Chieftains is Dr. Hugo Ricciardi O'Neill, the current head of the Clandeboye O'Neill dynasty, from a branch of that family which has been in Portugal since the 18th century.