
2 unusual facts about Office of Foreign Assets Control

Google Code

Accessing Google Code website and its hosted contents is banned from countries on the United States Office of Foreign Assets Control sanction list, including Cuba, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Sudan and Syria.

Nuevo Continente

In 2004, though, Aero Continente had its approval to operate into the United States withdrawn by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the United States Treasury, as its founder and key person, Fernando Zervallos, had been included in a list of the ten most wanted crime bosses of the illegal drug trade (Specially Designated Nationals).

Nabor Vargas García

On March 2010, the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) listed several drug traffickers, including Vargas García, on the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act (the "Kingpin Act"), which freezes all their assets in the U.S. and prohibits American companies from doing business with them.

see also