
unusual facts about Olavo Bilac


Chico Xavier

His first books, Parnaso de Além-Túmulo, containing 256 poems attributed to deceased poets, among them, the two Portuguese João de Deus, Antero de Quental and Guerra Junqueiro and the Brazilians Olavo Bilac, Cruz e Sousa e Augusto dos Anjos, was published for the first time in 1932; the book caused strong admiration and polemic among the literature circle from that time.

Pardal Mallet

Returning to Rio de Janeiro, he befriended many famous writers, such as Olavo Bilac, Raul Pompeia, Coelho Neto, Luís Murat, José do Patrocínio, Artur and Aluísio Azevedo, Émile Rouède and Francisco de Paula Ney.

see also