
unusual facts about One-state solution

J Street U

J Street U is the college and university campus organizing arm of J Street, the pro-Israel, pro-peace advocacy organization working towards United States diplomatic leadership for a two-state solution in Israel and Palestine.

Patrick Harrington

According to Harrington's account of the split, when he opened discussion with racial-separatist rabbi Mayer Schiller (see section on Harrington's ideological development below) and advocated a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, he was attacked as a "Zionist".

Three-state solution

Daniel Pipes describes the “Jordan-Egypt option” as “a uniquely sober way” to bring peace.

Two-state solution

Such occurred in 2005 when the evacuation of settlers and security personnel from Gaza was undertaken by the IDF, with many of the former settlers being re-settled in the West Bank.

United Nations Special Committee on Palestine

No members of the UNSCOP endorsed a One-state solution as recommended by the Arab Higher Committee and on 29 September Mr Jamal al-Husayni Vice president of the Arab Higher Committee for Palestine (AHCP) acting for the AHPC announced opposition to the UN partition plan

see also