
unusual facts about Optimization


Alstom Grid uses AIMMS as the modeling and optimization engine of its energy market clearing software.

Allume Systems

Allume Systems originally developed exclusively for Macintosh, focusing on data compression and management utilities, such as the StuffIt family of compression utilities and the StuffIt InstallerMaker delivery suite, the ShrinkWrap disk image utility, and its Spring Cleaning system optimization utility.

Array DBMS

Query optimization and parallelization are important for achieving scalability; actually, many array operators lend themselves well towards parallel evaluation, by processing each tile on separate nodes or cores.

Bellwether Services

For 10 years, Bellwether Services has provided solutions to businesses and government agencies in the areas of: International Trade, Retail Manufacturing, Retail Business Intelligence, Spend Analysis, e-Sourcing, Supply Chain Optimization, Sustainability Policy Development, and Lean Six Sigma (Business Improvement).

Bilevel optimization

Structural optimization problems comprise of two levels of optimization task and are commonly referred as mathematical programming problems with equilibrium constraints (MPEC).

Bilevel optimization was first realized in the field of game theory by a German economist Heinrich Freiherr von Stackelberg who published Market Structure and Equilibrium (Marktform und Gleichgewicht) in 1934 that described this hierarchical problem.


BRST algorithm, an optimization algorithm suitable for finding the global optimum of black box functions


These variables are most commonly used to specify optimization or debugging switches to a compiler, as for example -g, -O2 or (GCC-specific) -march=athlon.

Combinatorial optimization

Arnab Das and Bikas K Chakrabarti (Eds.) Quantum Annealing and Related Optimization Methods, Lecture Note in Physics, Vol.

Eagle strategy

Eagle strategy is a search strategy for solving nonlinear optimization problems, and this strategy was developed by Xin-she Yang and Suash Deb, based on the foraging behaviour of eagle species such as Golden Eagles.

Edward W. Veitch

In his 1952 paper "A Chart Method for Simplifying Truth Functions", Veitch described a graphical procedure for the optimization of logic circuits, a year later (1953) refined in a paper by Maurice Karnaugh into what is now known as the Karnaugh map method.

Evolution strategy

The 'evolution strategy' optimization technique was created in the early 1960s and developed further in the 1970s and later by Ingo Rechenberg, Hans-Paul Schwefel and their co-workers.

Gauss pseudospectral method

JModelica.org (Modelica-based open source platform for dynamic optimization)

Global optimization

Roberto Battiti, M. Brunato and F. Mascia, Reactive Search and Intelligent Optimization, Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series, Vol.

Howard Harry Rosenbrock

The Rosenbrock function is a benchmark test for numerical optimization algorithms.

Institut de recherche en informatique et systèmes aléatoires

Research topics span from theoretical computer science, such as Formal languages, Formal methods, or more mathematically-oriented topics such as Information theory, optimization, Complex system... to application-driven topics like Bioinformatics, image and video compression, Handwriting recognition, Computer graphics, Medical imaging, Content-based image retrieval...

Integrated operations

A prominent idea in this regard is real-time optimization of the whole value chain, from long term management of the oil reservoir, through capacity allocations in pipe networks and calculations of the net present value of the produced oil.

Jack Edmonds

The fifth Aussois Workshop on Combinatorial Optimization in 2001 was dedicated to him.

Knowledge-based engineering

KBE then needs to support the decision processes involved with configuration, trades, control, management, and a number of other areas, such as optimization.

Luca Maria Gambardella

He is also Chief Scientific Officer of the IDSIA spin-off AntOptima, whose commercial applications of 'Ant Colony Optimization' include vehicle routing for large commercial truck fleets, and the management of container flow through the largest Mediterranean container terminal.


MacBooster is a third-party system cleaning and optimization utility for Apple Mac OS X aimed to boost Mac computer by cleaning junks, unwanted apps and ram etc.

McGill University School of Computer Science

David Avis - discrete optimization and computational geometry

Meinolf Sellmann

Meinolf Sellmann, born in Holzminden, Germany, computer scientist, best known for algorithmic research in combinatorial optimization, artificial intelligence, and the hybridization thereof.

Mieschke Hofmann und Partner

The idea was to provide best of class consulting services combining both business process optimization as well as IT services, with SAP software being the primary concentration of the IT services offering.


MILEPOST GCC is connected to Collective Optimization Database to collect and reuse profitable optimization cases from the community and predict good optimizations based on statistical analysis of optimization data.


In 2001, modeFRONTIER version 2.4 become a global player among the MDO/PIDO tools, being one of the first to enable true multi-objective optimization through Pareto dominance criteria.

NEi Software

MCT, PPFA (progressive ply failure analysis), Dynamic Design Analysis Method, optimization, fatigue, CFD and event simulation are just some of the specialized types of analysis supported by the company.

Optimal control

APMonitor (Dynamic optimization platform for Python and MATLAB)

Optimization Toolbox

Portfolio optimization, cashflow matching, and other computational finance problems are solved with Optimization Toolbox.

Organization of Search Engine Optimization Professionals

The Organization of Search Engine Optimization Professionals (seopros), is non-profit organization of search engine marketers founded in April, 2001.

Oriented matroid

Network Flows and Monotropic Optimization, Wiley-Interscience, 1984 (610 pages); republished by Athena Scientific of Dimitri Bertsekas, 1998.

Parallel coordinates

Some important applications are in collision avoidance algorithms for air traffic control (1987—3 USA patents), data mining (USA patent), computer vision (USA patent), Optimization, process control, more recently in intrusion detection and elsewhere.


PECOTA (Player Empirical Comparison and Optimization Test Algorithm), a statistical method for baseball analysis


PLate OPtimizer, the CAD program for optimization of telescope mirror support cells to reduce cell induced errors.

Process engineering

Supporting tools: sequential modular simulation, equation based process simulation, AI/expert systems, large-scale nonlinear programming (NLP), optimization of differential algebraic equations (DAEs), mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP), global optimization


PTAS reduction, a reduction that is often used to perform reductions between solutions to optimization problems

Radiation treatment planning

Treatment simulations are used to plan the geometric, radiological, and dosimetric aspects of the therapy using radiation transport simulations and optimization.


While SciPy has its own optimization package, OpenOpt has access to more optimization solvers and can involve Automatic differentiation.


Sendra is a black-oil model that uses the finite difference method for forward simulation, but Sendra also includes an automated optimization routine – Levenberg Marquardt algorithm – for history matching purpose.


Stephen Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe, Convex Optimization, (2004) Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, USA.


Simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation, a stochastic method for optimization, especially appropriate for multivariable problems

Stone–Weierstrass theorem

'Optimization: Insights and Applications', Jan Brinkhuis and Vladimir Tikhomirov: 2005, Princeton University Press

Surrogate model

Queipo, N.V., Haftka, R.T., Shyy, W., Goel, T., Vaidyanathan, R., Tucker, P.K. (2005), “Surrogate-based analysis and optimization,” Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 41, 1-28.

Web performance optimization

Although attempts to improve download and display speeds have existed since the World Wide Web was invented in 1993, the field was not standardized, or given a name, until 2004, when web-performance expert Steve Souders began to describe it as "web performance optimization".

William C. Stone

Examples include: optimization of portfolios which are subject to constraints; defining technology solutions to the fiduciary responsibilities in financial services; efficient organizational platforms; adroit uses of cutting edge technology; identifying and acting on market inefficiencies; and employing dynamic financial analysis in the property casualty industry.


This software works by recompressing pictures (such as JPEG, GIF, PNG, JPEG 2000), gzipping text and HTML/JS/CSS data optimization.

see also