
unusual facts about Order of the Crown

Erling Steen

Steen was decorated as a Knight, First Class of the Order of St. Olav (1947) and a Knight of the Order of the Crown, the Order of the Dannebrog, the Legion of Honour and the Order of the Polar Star.

Gender neutrality in languages with grammatical gender

Examples are titles such as Grand Officier, Commandeur, Officier, Chevalier, Compagnon, Immortel used in the Order of Canada, the National Order of Quebec, France's Legion of Honor and the Académie Française, or Belgium's and Monaco's Order of the Crown.

Stuart Heintzelman

Heintzelman's awards include the Commander of the Legion of Honor and the Croix de Guerre with palm from France, the Commander of the Order of the Crown by the Italian Government, and the Distinguished Service Medal.

see also

Emile de Cartier de Marchienne

Emile de Cartier de Marchienne was Commander of the Order of Leopold, the Order of the Crown, and Belgian Ambassador in the United States.