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Christian Gostečnik, OFM (born 1 May 1955, Šmihel nad Mozirjem, Slovenia) is a Slovenian Roman Catholic priest of the Franciscan Order of Friars Minor, theologian, clinical psychologist and marriage-and-family therapist.
Cornelian Dende OFM (Scranton, Pennsylvania, 1915-31 August 1996) also known as "Father Justin," was a Polish-American Franciscan priest, director of "The Rosary Hour," a Polish-language weekly radio program from Buffalo, New York.
Petro Herkulan Maltschuk, OFM (Мальчук Петро Геркуліан Ukrainian, born July 7, 1965 in Slobozia-Raşcov, Moldova) is the current Roman Catholic Archbishop of Kyiv-Zhytomyr.
Brian Jordan OFM, a Roman Catholic Franciscan priest, spoke over it and declared it to be a "symbol of hope... a symbol of faith... a symbol of healing".