
unusual facts about Origin of Species

Blending inheritance

The problems of these ideas were noted by a contemporary critic of Darwin's, Fleeming Jenkin, in a now infamous excoriation of Darwin's Origin of Species. Jenkin, a strong proponent of the blending inheritance idea, used blending inheritance to argue against the plausibility of natural selection itself.

Bruce Jesson

He was educated at Christchurch Boys' High School (where he read Darwin's Origin of Species while a "lab boy" in the biology laboratory and became an atheist) and the University of Canterbury, where he gained a Bachelor's degree in law.

History of invertebrate paleozoology

The provocative Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation (1844 to 1853) by then-anonymous Robert Chambers, Alfred Russel Wallace's joint essay (1858) with Charles Darwin, and Darwin's Origin of Species (1859 to 1872) popularized the evolutionary theories of natural selection.

see also


William Bateson, Materials For The Study Of Variation: Treated With Especial Regard To Discontinuity In The Origin Of Species (Macmillan and Co., 1894)

Swamping argument

Jenkin published his article "The Origin of Species" in the North British Review in June 1867.

Systematics and the Origin of Species

Systematics and the Origin of Species from the Viewpoint of a Zoologist is a book written by zoologist and evolutionary biologist Ernst Mayr that was first published in 1942 by Columbia University Press.


(1959), The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin, A Variorum Text, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.