
unusual facts about Orne River

Battle of Port-en-Bessin

The battalion was ordered to move into the area of Douvres-la-Délivrande and were then ordered to move east of the Orne River to reinforce the 6th Airborne Division.

Battle of Val-ès-Dunes

The royal army pursued closely, slaughtering rebels by the thousands and driving the remnants of their army into the Orne River, near the Athis fort and Fleury-sur-Orne.

Bofors 40 mm gun

They saw service in North West Europe, where six SP Bofors of 92nd (Loyals) Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery, landed with the British 3rd Infantry Division on Sword Beach on D-Day to protect the vital bridges over the Caen Canal and Orne River (Pegasus Bridge and Horsa Bridge), shooting down 17 German planes.

Emil Dürr

The Germans had been awaiting a major offensive on the Carpiquet airfield and the Orne river.


Just across the canal from Hérouville is a Renault Trucks manufacturing plant, which is situated between the canal and the Orne River.

see also