
unusual facts about Orsini family

Theatre of Pompey

Around 1150 the powerful Orsini family bought all buildings on the site of the theater and transformed them into a large fortress.

Accademia degli Arcadi

In 1692, the meetings were transferred to the gardens of Duke Orsini on the Esquiline hill; in 1696, to the Farnese gardens on the Palatine.


: Built outside the walls during the Renaissance, and together with the nearby monastery of the same name at the behest of the Orsini, was designed by Antonio da Sangallo the Younger. The religious building, partially destroyed by fire in the early 20th century, stands on the hill Strozzoni north of the center.

Later, in medieval times were extended by the Aldobrandeschi and further fortified by the Orsini in the Renaissance period, when he commissioned the Florentine architect Antonio da Sangallo the Younger to give a more impressive structure of the entire defensive perimeter.

see also


Created as a vassal to the Kingdom of Sicily, it was ruled by the Orsini family from 1195 to 1335, and after a short interlude of Anjou rule the county passed to the Tocco family in 1357.