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Before establishing Novamedia in 1983, he worked with DAF and Oxfam Novib (Dutch organization for international development aid).
Funders of MDIF's Loan/Investment Pool include: Bank Vontobel, Calvert Social Investment Foundation, DOEN Foundation, Dreilinden gGmbH, Foundation for Democracy and Media, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Open Society Institute, Oxfam Novib, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and Alexej Fulmek.
For instance, the programmes in the series Mind the Gap and Justice for All are produced in cooperation with Oxfam Novib, while the Volkskrant, KNAW and Nemo have teamed up for years on the monthly program Kenniscafé, in which journalist-presenter Martijn van Calmthout discusses science in relation to current and controversial topics.