Year 2000 problem | Waring's problem | The Final Problem | The Problem with Popplers | Hume and the Problem of Causation | Dirichlet problem | Boolean satisfiability problem | The Dog Problem | Tammes problem | Species problem | problem solving | Problem gambling | Packing problem | packing problem | chess problem | Znám's problem | Year 10,000 problem | Yamabe problem | Weber problem | Undecidable problem | Travelling salesman problem | travelling salesman problem | The Problem of Thor Bridge | The Problem of the Media: U.S. Communication Politics in the 21st Century | The Problem of Social Cost | Tarski's circle squaring problem | Steiner tree problem | Shortest path problem | RSA problem | Quadratic eigenvalue problem |
Since the ATPG problem is NP-complete (by reduction from the Boolean satisfiability problem) there will be cases where patterns exist, but ATPG gives up since it will take an incredibly long time to find them (assuming P≠NP, of course).
Yablonsky and his students were ones of the first in the world to raise the issues of potentially inherent unavoidability of the brute force search for some problems, the precursor of the P = NP problem, though Gödel's letter to von Neumann, dated 20 March 1956 and discovered in 1988, may have preceded them.