I Ngurah Komang Arya (born October 14, 1985 in Bali) is an Indonesian footballer that previously plays for PSM Makassar in the Indonesia Super League.
Other Indonesian football teams he played for include PSM, PSPS, Persebaya, Persija, PSS, Persela and Persisam.
Muhammad Rachmat (born in Baba, Takalar, Indonesia, May 28, 1988) is an Indonesian footballer who currently plays for PSM Makassar in the Indonesia Premier League as a Forward.
Some of Dutch East Indies prominent football club, like VIJ Jakarta, BIVB Bandung, IVBM Magelang, MVB Makassar, SIVB Surabaya and VVB Solo, met and discuss about the future championship on the Netherlands territory.
Yeyen Tumena (born on May 16, 1976) is an Indonesian footballer and manager who previously plays as defender for Persma Manado, Persija Jakarta, Persikota Tangerang, Persebaya Surabaya, Perseden Denpasar, PSMS Medan, PSM Makassar and the Indonesia national team.
Although Lopez just joined PSM Makassar, but coach Raja Isa do not hesitate to give him the captain's armband to replace Syamsul Bachri Chaerudin.