
unusual facts about Palimpsest


B. S. Johnson

Many of these figures contributed to London Consequences, a novel consisting of a palimpsest of chapters passed between a range of participating authors and set in London, edited by Margaret Drabble and Johnson.

Codex Carolinus

Franz Anton Knittel (1721–1792) recognized two lower Greek texts of the New Testament in this palimpsest codex, and designated them by A and B, he recognized also the Gothic-Latin text (known later as Codex Carolinus).

Each in Our Own Thoughts

The music varies from contemporary classical music to avant-rock: there is a string quartet ("String Quartet 1"), two works for small ensembles ("A Hollow Miracle" and "Palimpsest"), a piece for samples and multiple horns ("From Descartes' Dreams"), a piece for MIDI-instruments ("Numinous Pools for Mental Orchestra"), and an unrecorded Henry Cow number from 1976 ("Hold to the Zero Burn, Imagine").

Experimental literature

Greek author Dimitris Lyacos in Z213: Exit combines, in a kind of a modern-day palimpsest, the diary entries of two narrators in a heavily fragmented text, interspersed with excerpts from the biblical Exodus, to recount a journey along which the distinct realities of inner self and outside world gradually merge.

Francis Crawford Burkitt

Burkitt accompanied Robert Bensly, James Rendel Harris, and sisters Agnes and Margaret Smith on the 1893 expedition to Saint Catherine's Monastery in Egypt to examine a Syriac palimpsest of the Gospels discovered there the previous year by the two sisters.

Marcus Cornelius Fronto

It was not until 1956 that Bernhard Bischoff identified a third manuscript (consisting of a single leaf) that contained fragments of Fronto's correspondence with Verus, which overlapped the Milan palimpsest; however, the actual manuscript had been first published in 1750 by Dom Tassin, who conjectured that it might have been the work of Fronto.

Predrag Pajdic

Pajdic partnered with Santa Fe artist Alexandra Eldridge on a project called "There Is No Such Thing As The End," which re-imagined those images on vintage Chinese scrolls through a palimpsest of painting, printing, collage and drawing.

Robert McAlmon

The book shows his love for Eugene Vidal (Eugene Collins in the book), Gore Vidal's father, with whom he grew up in Madison, South Dakota, which is documented in Gore Vidal's mid-90s memoir, Palimpsest.

see also