
unusual facts about Party conference

The Ploughman's Lunch

James, Jeremy and Susan have all been given the task of covering the 1982 Conservative Party conference so they travel down to Brighton together in James' Jaguar.

see also

Josef Pröll

On 28 November 2008 he was elected as new federal party chairman by 89.6% of delegates at a party conference in Wels.


That group was reconstituted at the Conservative Party Conference in 1991 and was renamed TORCHE (the Tory Campaign for Homosexual Equality) under the chairmanship of David Starkey.

Marina Ladynina

In the early 1950s, at the Party conference which was taking place during the infamous anti-cosmopolites campaign Pyryev, being a Chairman of the Union of Cinematography was expected to pronounce his own denouncing word from a high tribune.

Miko Tripalo

That, and Croatian students making even more radical demands, finally led Tito to openly turn against Savka and Tripalo at Karađorđevo Party conference in December 1971.

Paul Brannigan

At the SNP 2012 Party Conference, he spoke of his belief that Scotland should break away from the United Kingdom in 2014 and become an independent country once more.

Peter Lane, Baron Lane of Horsell

He was chairman of the executive of the National Union of the Conservative Party from 1986 and 1991 and had previously chaired the traumatic party conference in 1983 during which Cecil Parkinson resigned after his affair with Sara Keays had become public.

Pino Rauti

However Rauti became disillusioned with the MSI, particularly after the party supported the presidency bid of Giovanni Gronchi and the premiership of Giuseppe Pella, and so his group split off at the 1956 party conference, with Rauti launching a tirade of abuse at the MSI leadership as he left.

S. Ramadoss

During April 2013, after the party conference of PMK in Mahabalipuram, there were widespread attacks on the Dalits in Dharmapuri district that resulted in two Dalits being killed.

Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy

In October 2012, at the UK Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham, Foreign Secretary William Hague made a response to a speech that Labour leader Ed Miliband had given at his own party conference in the previous week, in which Miliband compared his party with Benjamin Disraeli's One Nation Conservatism ideology.

Shailesh Vara

At the Conservative Party Conference in 2000, he was awarded the accolade of official "rising star" of the Party, with Lord Alexander of Weedon describing him as a "future Conservative Party leader".

Vaughan Lewis

Compton defeated Lewis for the UWP leadership in a party conference in Soufrière on March 13, 2005.