
6 unusual facts about Patrick Fitzgerald

David Radler

Patrick Fitzgerald is the lead prosecutor in the Black case, and Black is represented by a legal team which includes Toronto lawyer Edward Greenspan.

Frank J. Christensen

The lawsuit was filed by United States Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald on behalf of the United States Department of Labor asking the Court to have Elevator Constructors Local 2 comply with the Department of Labor Subpoena Duces Tecum filed on April 24, 2007 for various records and documents in connection with an investigation to determine whether any person has violated or is about to violate the Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959.

George Ryan

Patrick Fitzgerald, the federal prosecutor, noted, "Mr. Ryan steered contracts worth millions of dollars to friends and took payments and vacations in return. When he was a sitting governor, he lied to the F.B.I. about this conduct and then he went out and did it again."

Special prosecutor

The Ethics in Government Act expired in 1999, and was effectively replaced by Department of Justice regulation 28 CFR Part 600, under which Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald was appointed to look into the Plame affair.

Viveca Novak

Time announced in its December 5, 2005 issue that Novak was cooperating with Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald's investigation of the Valerie Plame leak.

Special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald did not seek perjury charges against Rove, possibly because it was unclear whether or not Rove intended to testify falsely the first time.

Rafe de Crespigny

During his early years as a scholar and academic, he benefited from the guidance of sinologists such as Hans Bielenstein, Patrick Fitzgerald, Hsü Cho-yün and Miyazaki Ichisada, and developed an interest in the late Han Dynasty through the historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

see also

No Cure

Bands interviewed ranged from The Jam and Stiff Little Fingers to The Raincoats, VIPs, Patrick Fitzgerald, LKJ and The Instant Automatons.