
unusual facts about Patrick T. Caffery

John Donelson

His great-grandson Donelson Caffery of Louisiana, was a U.S. Senator from 1892–1900 and his great-great-great grandson, Patrick T. Caffery of Louisiana, was a U.S. Representative from 1969 to 1973.

Patrick Powers

Patrick T. Powers (1860–1925), American baseball executive and manager

Patrick T. Henry

Henry left government service in 2001 and founded the Henry Consulting Group, becoming its president.

Popcorn Press

Some American poets who Popcorn Press has recently published are: J. Robert King (Humors), Lester W. Smith (Would You Dance? ), Shelly L. Hall (Tonguebones), and Patrick T. Randolph (Father's Philosophy), (Empty Shoes: Poems on the Hungry and the Homeless).

see also