
unusual facts about Paul P. Van Riper

Paul Van Riper

Paul P. Van Riper (born 1916), professor emeritus of political science

James Callan Graham

Callan was also a past president and longtime member of the Junction Rotary Club, and was honored with the club’s Paul Harris Fellowship in 2005.

Lawrence Anthony

The Rotary International Paul Harris Fellowship for outstanding contribution to the ideals of Rotary.

Max Maxfield

He is also on the Board of Directors of the Cheyenne Animal Shelter, a Rotary International Paul Harris Fellow and a hospice board member.

Morgan Park, Chicago

Rotary International was formed in Morgan Park at the home of Paul P. Harris at 10856 Longwood Drive, and today the house is owned and maintained by that organization as a memorial to him.

Paul Harris

Paul P. Harris (1868–1947), lawyer who founded the Rotary Club in 1905

Paul P. Enns

Paul P. Enns (born June 17, 1937) is an evangelical Christian pastor, biblical scholar and writer who serves as a full-time minister at Idlewild Baptist Church in Lutz, Florida, and as adjunct professor at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Enns was born in Morris, Manitoba, where he graduated from Morris Collegiate Institute.

Paul P. Hastings

His mother was the former Rosetta Butler, who was active in the temperance and anti-smoking movements.

Contended that certain features of the Merchant Marine Act of 1920 would create new sea lanes between the Atlantic Coast and the Far East to the detriment of the Pacific Coast ports.

His youngest brother, Milo Hastings, was a well-published inventor, author, and nutritionist.

His mother's father was Pardee Butler, a Kansas pioneer and preacher, active in the abolition movement before the American Civil War.

Paul Van Riper

Paul K. Van Riper (born 1938), retired Lieutenant General of the United States Marine Corps

Paul Yoder

Paul P. Yoder (1897–1965), American legislator and state executive

Van Riper

Paul K. Van Riper, retired Lieutenant General of the United States Marine Corps

see also