Pavel Florensky | Pavel Nedvěd | Pavel Litvinov | Pavel Landovský | Pavel Bure | Pavel Alexandrov | Thomas Pavel | Pavel Tsatsouline | Pavel Tonkov | Pavel Samuilovich Urysohn | Pavel Polian | Pavel Milyukov | Pavel Tretyakov | Pavel Ivanovich Melnikov | Pavel Fedotov | Pavel Curtis | Pavel Brutt | Pavel Zhagun | Pavel Yevgenyevich Sokolov | Pavel Yablochkov | Pavel Vrublevsky | Pavel Volya | Pavel Vinogradov | Pavel Tchelitchew | Pavel Svoboda | Pavel Suzor | Pavel Stratan | Pavel Šrut | Pavel Sheremet | Pavel Rozhkov |
Among the 5,000 guests who attended the cathedral's inauguration were Prime Minister of Bulgaria Sergey Stanishev, Minister of Culture Stefan Danailov, politicians Anastasiya Mozer, Emel Etem, Petar Beron and Pavel Chernev.