Pavel Florensky | Pavel Nedvěd | Pavel Litvinov | Pavel Landovský | Pavel Bure | Pavel Alexandrov | Thomas Pavel | Pavel Tsatsouline | Pavel Tonkov | Pavel Samuilovich Urysohn | Pavel Polian | Pavel Milyukov | Pavel Tretyakov | Pavel Ivanovich Melnikov | Pavel Fedotov | Pavel Curtis | Pavel Brutt | Pavel Zhagun | Pavel Yevgenyevich Sokolov | Pavel Yablochkov | Pavel Vrublevsky | Pavel Volya | Pavel Vinogradov | Pavel Tchelitchew | Pavel Svoboda | Pavel Suzor | Pavel Stratan | Pavel Šrut | Pavel Sheremet | Pavel Rozhkov |
On June 30, 2009, his rights were traded along with Christopher Higgins, Pavel Valentenko, and Doug Janik to the New York Rangers for Scott Gomez, Tom Pyatt, and Michael Busto.