
unusual facts about Peak oil

Parrish Baker

In light of his distrust of the rapidly expanding (and possibly soon to rapidly-disintegrate) modern world, he is somewhat of a comics loner, he prefers self-publishing and distribution, and prefers not to charge money for his work wherever possible.

Energy descent

Planning and preparing for this peak oil energy descent period has been recently promoted by David Holmgren, Rob Hopkins of the Transition Towns movement, and Richard Heinberg in the book Powerdown.

The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil

The film is a reflection of the peak oil scenario argued by oil industry experts and political activists, including Matthew Simmons and James Howard Kunstler.

see also

Hoxton Hall

The peak oil projection is based on Richard Heinberg's book The Party's Over: Oil, War, and the Fate of Industrial Societies.

Out of Gas: The End of the Age of Oil

Paul Raeburn wrote in The New York Times that Goodstein's prediction regarding peak oil and future of civilization is based on an understanding of physics and thermodynamics, and on a simple observation about natural resources.

Predicting the timing of peak oil

Leonardo Maugeri, the former group senior vice president, Corporate Strategies of Eni S.p.A., dismissed the peak oil thesis in a 2004 policy position piece in Science as "the current model of oil doomsters," and based on several flawed assumptions.