
unusual facts about People of God

Missionaries of La Salette

Those men called to serve the People of God in the Priesthood take a courses in philosophy and theology after which follows ordination to the diaconate and the priesthood; final vows for those called to Holy Orders come just before the diaconate.

see also

Catholic laity

The 1983 Code of Canon Law included a new section: BOOK II: THE PEOPLE OF GOD (Canons 204-746).

Comparative linguistics

Some believers in Abrahamic religions try to derive their native languages from Classical Hebrew, as Herbert W. Armstrong, a proponent of British Israelism, who said that the word 'British' comes from Hebrew brit meaning 'covenant' and ish meaning 'man', supposedly proving that the British people are the 'covenant people' of God.

Themes in Italian Renaissance painting

By contrast, Andrea di Bonaiuto, painting for the Dominicans at the new church of Santa Maria Novella, completed a huge fresco of the Triumph of the Church, which shows the role of the church in the work of Salvation, and in particular, the role of the Dominicans, who also appear symbolically as the Hounds of Heaven, shepherding the people of God.