
unusual facts about Perú 21

Organization of American States Secretary General election, 2005

The press had initially speculated that Manuel Rodríguez Cuadros, the current foreign minister of Peru, would have been a likely "consensus" candidate in the new scenario, and on 12 April, the Lima daily Perú 21 gave the name of former transitional president Valentín Paniagua as another option.

see also

Augusto Álvarez Rodrich

He has been director of the daily Perú.21 since its foundation and anchor of the radio programme Ampliación de Noticias (news in depth, Radio Programas del Perú, RPP) and associate professor at the University of the Pacific.


In 2002, Perú.21 was founded by the economist Augusto Álvarez Rodrich, and it has quickly become one of the leading newspapers of Peru, known for its provocative caricatures and cartoon publications.