
unusual facts about Percy Mayfield

Henry Oden

Over the years, Oden has appeared with: Jimmy Reed, Pee Wee Crayton, Big Mama Thornton, Mike Bloomfield, Buddy Ace, Curtis Lawson, Bill Withers, Little Joe Blue, Chris Cain, Percy Mayfield, Craig Horton, JJ Malone, Troyce Keys, Cool Papa Sadler, Mississippi Johnny Waters, Big Bones, Sonny Rhodes, Earl King, Johnny Adams, Maria Muldaur and Boz Scaggs.

Smokey Wilson

In addition his duties included booking blues musicians to appear at the club, which included Big Joe Turner, Percy Mayfield, Pee Wee Crayton and Albert Collins.

Swing Time Records

Still not done, Jack purchased Al Patrick's defunct Supreme label and reissued recordings by Jimmy Witherspoon with Jay McShann's band featuring Louis Speiginer on guitar, Paula Watson, Percy Mayfield, Floyd Dixon with Eddie Williams' Trio (AKA "The Brown Buddies"), Sister Emily Bram, the "Stars Of Harmony" gospel group, and Maxwell Davis' band with Marshall Royal starting in late 1950 thru 1951.

see also