One subject of his reporting there was former Congressman Pete McCloskey.
The sole delegate opposing his reelection was in support of Pete McCloskey, a representative from California, who ran on an anti-Vietnam War platform.
He was challenged by two minor candidates, liberal Pete McCloskey of California and conservative John Ashbrook of Ohio.
Pete Seeger | Pete Rose | Pete Townshend | Pete Wilson | Pete Best | Pete Sampras | Pete Doherty | Pete Brown | Pete Tong | Pete Waterman | Pete Rugolo | Pete Yorn | Pete Weber | Pete Thomas | Pete Sears | Pete Murray | Pete Ross | Pete Rock | Pete Conrad | Pete's Dragon | Pete Rozelle | Pete | The Adventures of Pete & Pete | Robert McCloskey | Pete Droge | Pete Campbell | Pete and Gladys | Pete Postlethwaite | Pete Johnson | Pete Fenlon |